
Hello! I am Pastor David Bushfield. Thank you for checking out our page. I have been at Colfax UMC since November of 2021. Before I answered the call into ministry, I worked as the Director of EVS at a nursing home in Clinton County for over 20 years. I have been a life long resident of Clinton County, minus the years I spent at Purdue University. I love God with all of my being. I feel so blessed to get to do what I do. I often tell young people, "find a job that you can do that doesn't feel like work." And that is what happened to me when I answered the call into ministry. I enjoy every aspect of what it takes to be a pastor from the classes I take, visits to shut ins, nursing homes or hospitals, preaching at church, leading meetings in the community like Walk to Emmaus/Burning Hearts Group, addiction recovery ministry speaking engagements like Brianna's Hope in Frankfort at St Matthew UMC, serving communion, baptizing people, but mostly just spreading the Goodnews of the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere I go. I live in Colfax with my two Boxer dogs, Amos and Honey. I have a beautiful family, of 7 children, Adam, Shelby (Jacob), Addison (Brenton), Stephanie and Angela.